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Monday, 12 January 2015

What Jen Talks About When She Talks About Running...

One quick note- I have only written this blog post in the third person in order to avoid confusion with the fantastic Murakami book, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. Right, now that's sorted, Jen will get started...

After reading Murakami's reflections on his own running, it got me thinking about what running actually means to me. Introducing running into my life has changed it more than I can imagine. 

I truly understand what people mean when they talk about a running 'hump'. From October to December, I was not particularly enjoying running; I did it just because it was a free way to lose weight and keep fit. I'd signed up for the Barcelona Half Marathon in order to motivate myself to run; I was convinced that I would not regularly run unless I had a difficult race to train for. Then, a funny thing happened at the beginning of this year. I would wake up on the weekends (one where there had not been too many drinks consumed the night before), and actually look forward to running. I'd be excited about having an hour or two to myself, listening to random dance music, running alongside the ocean and, generally, feeling very peaceful. Might be a strange, slightly pretentious thing to say about a run, but it's become a way for me to align my often scrambled thoughts. As I have become a bit fitter, it's lead to a greater enthusiasm for exploring Barcelona; I have more energy to do more things, write more, go more places, see more people. I love it.

That feeling of having completed a race is also pretty immense; I can definitely see why people become addicted to races. I have only run two 10K races so far, but they have both been great. Bloody scary, but amazing experiences. People jittering around you, all wearing the same t-shirt, all anxious, waiting to run up to the start line, the cheers at each kilometre, the random well-wishers on the street, the crazy's all a bit much to take in, but in a wonderful way. The half marathon is going to be a very different experience- less kilometre markers, slower pace, more anxiety at the beginning I should imagine. But, I'm still nervously excited- everything worth doing makes you a bit nervous, right?

Why am I writing these incredibly self-aware reflections? I guess I'd like to assure anybody thinking about running, but not particularly into the idea, that it can actually become achievable and enjoyable. Just train at your own pace, gradually push yourself to run a little further than before, and before you know it, you're surpassing even your own expectations. 3km one week, 5km the next, 6km the'll be running in double figures before you know it. Running is certainly not for everybody- there are many awesome sports and types of exercise out there that serve the same purpose. However, I personally think I've finally found my sport- the first time in my life that I feel I'm actually achieving great things very quickly, and that I can be even better. No pity party intended here; I'm just taking a moment to be a little proud of myself, I suppose. 

So, I'm very happy that I have found running- and, really, it's all thanks to my very good Norwergian friend Monica, who regularly runs and gave me the push that I needed. It feels like I have discovered a new country- now I just need to explore its outer limits. There's a whole lifetime to do that, of course...

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

The Terrifyingly Awesome Three Kings Parade...

Today is one of the major Spanish holidays- la Dia de los Reyes...the Three Kings day. All around the country, many children received presents.  I just climbed up to Montjuic Castle, and went to Sant Gevasi with my work-pal, Julie. A pretty non-traditional day, but I did enjoy the traditional parade last night...see some photos below! It wasn't only the Three Kings that featured...also some freaky eyeless goldfish, a scary slow-moving teddy bear, and a ballerina dancing to some terrifying music, to name but a few scary floats on the parade. If it wasn't for the thousands of little wrapped-up sweets that they throw into the crowd at the end, like confetti, I reckon little children would be pretty traumatised. See below for the evidence!

A Sunday Detour to Tarragona...

Who said that Sunday afternoons needed to always be lazy? This Sunday, we decided to explore the nearby city of Tarragona- around 90km south of Barcelona. We heard there were some Roman ruins, and a decent coastline...and decided to go and discover the rest.

The photos below pretty much speak for themselves. There was a lovely amphitheatre, which sadly we could not walk around; however, we could still appreciate the ocean backdrop, and Roman-esque trees and gardens around it. We also found our own Roman ruins, or what seemed exclusive to us- an overgrown square, with stunning views of the coastline below, making sure that we felt the sun on our face right up until sunset.

As we walked back to town (the very scenic route, due to a lack of bridges), we wondered why there was a massive white circle behind the ruins we had just visited. Of course, we quickly realised that it was the MOON- but it just seemed too close, and too big, to be the actual moon. But, sure enough, it kept rising before our very eyes, resting on a pink-purple sky. Who knows why it was so big...full moon, super-moon, or maybe just right place, right time.

We finished off our evening with vermouths and bravas in the Placa de la Font- one of the bigger plazas- and Turkish food at a fantastic Turkish restaurant, Istanbul, decorated with the same cozy warm colours that we had just witnessed in the dusky sky. 

Definitely worth a day trip on a not-so-lazy Sunday...

I love these palm trees; it almost looks like puffed-out chests at the top.